
[gree-ser] /ˈgri sər/

a person or thing that .
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Latin American, especially a Mexican.
Slang. a swaggering young tough, especially a member of a street gang.
/ˈɡriːzə; ˈɡriːsə/
noun (Brit, slang)
a mechanic, esp of motor vehicles
a semiskilled engine attendant aboard a merchant ship
a young long-haired motorcyclist, usually one of a gang
an unpleasant person, esp one who ingratiates himself with superiors

early 14c. (as a surname), “one who smears salve on a sheep,” agent noun from grease (v.). As derogatory American English slang for “native Mexican or Latin American,” first attested 1849, so called from appearance. Greaseball in same sense from 1934.


[second sense fr the grease used for their typical combed-back hairstyle]

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