
[gree-vuh s] /ˈgri vəs/

causing or great sorrow:
grievous news.
flagrant; outrageous; atrocious:
a grievous offense against morality.
full of or expressing ; sorrowful:
a grievous cry.
burdensome or oppressive.
causing great pain or suffering:
arrested for causing grievous bodily harm to someone in a bar.
very severe or painful: a grievous injury
very serious; heinous: a grievous sin
showing or marked by grief: a grievous cry
causing great pain or suffering: a grievous attack

c.1300, from grievous + -ness.

c.1300, from Anglo-French grevous (Old French grevos) “heavy, hard, toilsome,” from grief (see grief). Legal term grievous bodily harm attested from 1803.

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