Sir Alec, 1914–2000, English actor.
Contemporary Examples
Chinese math guru Lu Chao currently holds the Guinness World Record for most memorized digits.
17 Facts to Crack the Mystery of Pi Abby Haglage March 13, 2013
“While RecordSetter and Guinness World Records are indeed two separate entities, world records are not,” he says.
Scandal in Twerktown: Big Freedia’s Twerking World Record Challenged Brian Ries September 25, 2013
According to the critic Kenneth Tynan, Guinness was “a master, but the master of anonymity”.
The Concealed Genius of Alec Guinness Tom Teodorczuk June 11, 2014
The big-wave surfer conquered a 70-foot swell at Jaws in Maui, which landed him a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Top Five Biggest Surfer Waves (Video) The Daily Beast November 13, 2011
Compare this with the menu at Botin, christened by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest restaurant in the world.
Rodrigo de la Calle Is Spain’s Vegetable Whisperer Kara Cutruzzula March 18, 2014
Historical Examples
Guinness was held silent for a moment by the puzzled look on the other’s face and the strange way he was acting.
Astounding Stories, April, 1931 Various
Mrs. Guinness sat erect and looked at her in absolute silence.
Lippincott’s Magazine, Volume 11, No. 26, May, 1873 Various
But this Guinness, if he be alive, remains away voluntarily.
Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Various
The Guinness brewery is the largest establishment of the kind in the world.
One Irish Summer William Eleroy Curtis
It stands near the enormous brewery of the Guinness company.
One Irish Summer William Eleroy Curtis
Sir Alec. 1914–2000, British stage and film actor. His films include Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949), The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), for which he won an Oscar, and Star Wars (1977); TV roles include Le Carré’s George Smiley
Irish brewery, founded 1759 by Arthur Guinness (1725-1803) in Dublin.
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