/ˌhiːməˈtiːɪn; ˌhɛm-/
a dark purple water-insoluble crystalline substance obtained from logwood and used as an indicator and biological stain. Formula: C16H12O6
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- Haematemesis
/ˌhiːməˈtɛmɪsɪs; ˌhɛm-/ noun 1. vomiting of blood, esp as the result of a bleeding ulcer Compare haemoptysis
- Haematic
/hiːˈmætɪk/ adjective 1. Also haemic. relating to, acting on, having the colour of, or containing blood noun 2. (med) another name for a haematinic
- Haematin
/ˈhɛmətɪn; ˈhiː-/ noun 1. (biochem) a dark bluish or brownish pigment containing iron in the ferric state, obtained by the oxidation of haem
- Haematinic
/ˌhɛməˈtɪnɪk; ˌhiː-/ noun 1. Also called haematic. an agent that stimulates the production of red blood cells or increases the amount of haemoglobin in the blood adjective 2. having the effect of enriching the blood
- Haematite
/ˈhiːməˌtaɪt; ˈhɛm-/ noun 1. a variant spelling of hematite n. see hematite.