
[hap-uh n-chans, -chahns] /ˈhæp ənˌtʃæns, -ˌtʃɑns/


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  • Happened

    [hap-uh n] /ˈhæp ən/ verb (used without object) 1. to take place; come to pass; occur: Something interesting is always happening in New York. 2. to come to pass by chance; occur without apparent reason or design: Don’t ask me what caused it—it just happened, that’s all. 3. to have the fortune or lot (to […]

  • Happening

    [hap-uh-ning] /ˈhæp ə nɪŋ/ noun 1. something that ; occurrence; event. 2. an unconventional dramatic or artistically orchestrated performance, often a series of discontinuous events involving audience participation. 3. any event considered worthwhile, unusual, or interesting. [hap-uh n] /ˈhæp ən/ verb (used without object) 1. to take place; come to pass; occur: Something interesting is […]

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    [hap-uh-ning] /ˈhæp ə nɪŋ/ noun 1. something that ; occurrence; event. 2. an unconventional dramatic or artistically orchestrated performance, often a series of discontinuous events involving audience participation. 3. any event considered worthwhile, unusual, or interesting. /ˈhæpənɪŋ; ˈhæpnɪŋ/ noun 1. an occurrence; event 2. an improvised or spontaneous display or performance consisting of bizarre and […]

  • Happens

    [hap-uh n] /ˈhæp ən/ verb (used without object) 1. to take place; come to pass; occur: Something interesting is always happening in New York. 2. to come to pass by chance; occur without apparent reason or design: Don’t ask me what caused it—it just happened, that’s all. 3. to have the fortune or lot (to […]

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