
[hap-uh-ning] /ˈhæp ə nɪŋ/

something that ; occurrence; event.
an unconventional dramatic or artistically orchestrated performance, often a series of discontinuous events involving audience participation.
any event considered worthwhile, unusual, or interesting.
/ˈhæpənɪŋ; ˈhæpnɪŋ/
an occurrence; event
an improvised or spontaneous display or performance consisting of bizarre and haphazard events
(informal) fashionable and up-to-the-minute

mid-15c., “chance, luck,” from present participle of happen; meaning “occurrence” is 1550s. Sense of “spontaneous event or display” is from 1959 in the argot of artists. Happenings “events” was noted by Fowler as a vogue word from c.1905.


Narcotics; junk (1950s+ Narcotics)



An event: the concert was a happening (1980s+ Students)

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