[hap-tik] /ˈhæp tɪk/
adjective, Sometimes, haptical
of or relating to the sense of touch:
the haptic sensation of holding a real book in your hands.
Digital Technology. of or relating to tactile sensations and the sense of touch as a method of interacting with computers and electronic devices: smartphones that incorporate haptic feedback;
haptic technology.
Usually, haptics. Digital Technology.
relating to or based on the sense of touch
“pertaining to the sense of touch,” 1890, from Greek haptikos “able to come into contact with,” from haptein “to fasten.”
haptic hap·tic (hāp’tĭk)
Of or relating to the sense of touch; tactile.
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[hap-tik] /ˈhæp tɪk/ adjective, Sometimes, haptical 1. of or relating to the sense of touch: the haptic sensation of holding a real book in your hands. 2. Digital Technology. of or relating to tactile sensations and the sense of touch as a method of interacting with computers and electronic devices: smartphones that incorporate haptic feedback; […]
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