Harold II
1022?–66, king of England 1066: defeated by William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings (son of Earl Godwin).
?1022–66, king of England (1066); son of Earl Godwin and successor of Edward the Confessor. His claim to the throne was disputed by William the Conqueror, who defeated him at the Battle of Hastings (1066)
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- Harold III
noun 1. (Harold Hardrada) 1015–66, king of Norway 1045–66.
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[prins] /prɪns/ noun 1. Harold S(mith) (“Hal”) born 1928, U.S. stage director and producer. 2. a male given name. /prɪns/ noun 1. (in Britain) a son of the sovereign or of one of the sovereign’s sons 2. a nonreigning male member of a sovereign family 3. the monarch of a small territory, such as Monaco, […]
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[stahrk; for 2 also German shtahrk] /stɑrk; for 2 also German ʃtɑrk/ noun 1. Harold Raynsford [reynz-ferd] /ˈreɪnz fərd/ (Show IPA), 1880–1972, U.S. admiral. 2. Johannes [yoh-hah-nuh s] /yoʊˈhɑ nəs/ (Show IPA), 1874–1957, German physicist: Nobel prize 1919. 3. John, 1728–1822, American Revolutionary War general. /stɑːk/ adjective 1. (usually prenominal) devoid of any elaboration; blunt: […]
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[Sephardic Hebrew khah-raw-set; Ashkenazic Hebrew khah-roh-sis] /Sephardic Hebrew xɑˈrɔ sɛt; Ashkenazic Hebrew xɑˈroʊ sɪs/ noun, Hebrew. 1. a mixture of chopped nuts and apples, wine, and spices that is eaten at the Seder meal on Passover: traditionally regarded as symbolic of the mortar used by Israelite slaves in Egypt.
- Harosheth of the gentiles
(Judg. 4:2) or nations, a city near Hazor in Galilee of the Gentiles, or Upper Galilee, in the north of Palestine. It was here that Jabin’s great army was marshalled before it went forth into the great battlefield of Esdraelon to encounter the army of Israel, by which it was routed and put to flight […]