[hahrt] /hɑrt/
noun, plural harts (especially collectively) hart.
a male deer, commonly of the red deer, Cervus elaphus, especially after its fifth year.
[hahrt] /hɑrt/
Albert Bushnell
[boo sh-nl] /ˈbʊʃ nl/ (Show IPA), 1854–1943, U.S. editor, historian, and educator.
Gary (Warren) born 1936, U.S. politician: senator 1975–87.
[lawr-uh nts,, lohr-] /ˈlɔr ənts,, ˈloʊr-/ (Show IPA), 1895–1943, U.S. lyricist.
Moss, 1904–61, U.S. playwright and librettist.
William S(hakespeare) 1872–1946, U.S. film actor.
noun (pl) harts, hart
the male of the deer, esp the red deer aged five years or more
Lorenz. 1895–1943, US lyricist: collaborated with Richard Rodgers in writing musicals
Moss. 1904–61, US dramatist: collaborated with George Kaufman on Broadway comedies and wrote libretti for musicals
Old English heorot “hart, stag, male deer,” from Proto-Germanic *herut- (cf. Old Saxon hirot, Old Frisian and Dutch hert “stag, deer,” Old High German hiruz, Old Norse hjörtr, German Hirsch “deer, stag, hart”), perhaps from PIE root *ker- “horn” (see horn (n.)). Now, a male deer after its fifth year.
(Heb. ‘ayal), a stag or male deer. It is ranked among the clean animals (Deut. 12:15; 14:5; 15:22), and was commonly killed for food (1 Kings 4:23). The hart is frequently alluded to in the poetical and prophetical books (Isa. 35:6; Cant. 2:8, 9; Lam. 1:6; Ps. 42:1).
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