[hahrt-lee] /ˈhɑrt li/
David, 1705–57, English physician and philosopher.
[mahrz-duh n] /ˈmɑrz dən/ (Show IPA), 1877–1943, U.S. painter.
David. 1705–57, English philosopher and physician. In Observations of Man (1749) he introduced the theory of psychological associationism
L(eslie) P(oles). 1895–1972, British novelist. His novels include the trilogy The Shrimp and the Anemone (1944), The Sixth Heaven (1946), and Eustace and Hilda (1947) as well as The Go-Between (1953)
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[hahrt-lahyn] /ˈhɑrt laɪn/ noun 1. Haldan Keffer [hawl-duh n kef-er] /ˈhɔl dən ˈkɛf ər/ (Show IPA), 1903–83, U.S. physiologist: Nobel Prize in Medicine 1967. Hartline Hart·line (härt’līn’), Haldan Keffer. 1903-1983. American biophysicist. He shared a 1967 Nobel Prize for research on the physiological and electrical activities of the optic nerve and the eye.
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[hahrt-mahn, -muh n; German hahrt-mahn] /ˈhɑrt mɑn, -mən; German ˈhɑrtˌmɑn/ noun 1. (Karl Robert) Eduard von [kahrl roh-buh rt ey-doo-ahrt fuh n] /kɑrl ˈroʊ bərt ˈeɪ duˌɑrt fən/ (Show IPA), 1842–1906, German philosopher. 2. Nicolai [nee-kaw-lah-ee,, nee-kaw-lahy] /ˌni kɔˈlɑ i,, ˈni kɔˌlaɪ/ (Show IPA), 1882–1950, German philosopher, born in Latvia.
- Hartmannella
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/ˈhɑːtnəl/ noun 1. Sir Norman. 1901–79, English couturier
- Hartnup disease
Hartnup disease Hart·nup disease (härt’nəp) n. A congenital metabolic disorder characterized by aminoaciduria, a pellagralike, light-sensitive skin rash, and a temporary cerebellar ataxia. Also called Hartnup syndrome, H disease.