[hair-uh m-skair-uh m, har-uh m-skar-uh m] /ˈhɛər əmˈskɛər əm, ˈhær əmˈskær əm/
reckless; rash; irresponsible:
He had a harum-scarum youth.
disorganized; uncontrolled.
recklessly; wildly:
He ran harum-scarum all over the place.
a reckless person.
reckless or unpredictable behavior or action.
adjective, adverb
in a reckless way or of a reckless nature
a person who is impetuous or rash
1670s (adv.), probably a compound of obsolete hare (v.) “harry” + scare (v.), with ‘um as a reduced form of them. As an adjective from 1751; as a noun from 1784.
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