[hahr-oo-noh-boo; Japanese hah-roo-naw-boo] /ˌhɑr ʊˈnoʊ bu; Japanese ˈhɑ rʊˈnɔ bʊ/
[soo-zoo-kee] /sʊˈzu ki/ (Show IPA), 1720?–70, Japanese painter and printmaker.
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a native of Hariph; an epithet given to Shephatiah, one of those who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr. 12:5).
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[huh-ruhs-peks, har-uh-speks] /həˈrʌs pɛks, ˈhær əˌspɛks/ noun, plural haruspices [huh-ruhs-puh-seez] /həˈrʌs pəˌsiz/ (Show IPA) 1. (in ancient Rome) one of a class of minor priests who practiced divination, especially from the entrails of animals killed in sacrifice. /həˈrʌspɛks/ noun (pl) haruspices (həˈrʌspɪˌsiːz) 1. (in ancient Rome) a priest who practised divination, esp by examining the […]
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eager, the father of Meshullemeth, the wife of king Manasseh (2 Kings 21:19) and mother of king Amon.
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[hahr-verd] /ˈhɑr vərd/ noun 1. John, 1607–38, English clergyman in the U.S.: principal benefactor of Harvard College, now Harvard University. 2. a city in central Massachusetts. 3. Mount, a mountain in central Colorado, in the Sawatch Range. 14,420 feet (4398 meters). U.S. college named for John Harvard (1607-1638), Puritan immigrant minister who bequeathed half his […]