[hah-sahn-loo] /ˌhɑ sɑnˈlu/
an archaeological site in NW Iran, S of Lake Urmia: excavated Mannaean city.
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[haz-bin] /ˈhæzˌbɪn/ noun 1. a person or thing that is no longer effective, successful, popular, etc. noun 1. (informal) a person or thing that is no longer popular, successful, effective, etc noun
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/ˈhæzbɪən/ noun 1. a former lesbian who has become heterosexual or bisexual
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[haz-droo-buh l, haz-droo-] /ˈhæz drʊ bəl, hæzˈdru-/ noun 1. died 207 b.c, Carthaginian general (brother of Hannibal). 2. died 221 b.c, Carthaginian general (brother-in-law of Hannibal). /ˈhæzdrʊbəl/ noun 1. died 207 bc, Carthaginian general: commanded the Carthaginian army in Spain (218–211); joined his brother Hannibal in Italy and was killed at the Metaurus
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[hah-shek] /ˈhɑ ʃɛk/ noun 1. Jaroslav [yah-raw-slahf] /ˈyɑ rɔˌslɑf/ (Show IPA), 1883–1923, Czech novelist and short-story writer. /Czech ˈhaʃɛk/ noun 1. Jaroslav (ˈjarɔslaf). 1883–1923, Czech novelist and short-story writer; author of The Good Soldier Schweik (1923)