
[hawnch, hahnch] /hɔntʃ, hɑntʃ/

the hip.
the fleshy part of the body about the hip.
a hindquarter of an animal.
the leg and loin of an animal, used for food.

the human hip or fleshy hindquarter of an animal, esp a horse or similar quadruped
the leg and loin of an animal, used for food: a haunch of venison
(architect) Also called hance. the part of an arch between the impost and the apex

early 13c., from Old French hanche (12c.) “hip, thigh; haunch,” from a Germanic source, perhaps Frankish *hanka (cf. Old High German hinkan “to limp,” ancha “leg,” literally “joint;” Middle Dutch hanke “haunch”). “It is only since the 18th c. that the spelling haunch has displaced hanch” [OED]. Related: Haunches.

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