historrhexis his·tor·rhex·is (hĭs’tə-rěk’sĭs)
Breakdown of tissue by a process other than infection.
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[his-tuh-sawl, -sol] /ˈhɪs təˌsɔl, -ˌsɒl/ noun 1. a worldwide soil type rich in organic matter, as peat, especially prevalent in wet, poorly drained areas.
- Histotome
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histotomy his·tot·o·my (hĭ-stŏt’ə-mē) n. See microtomy.
- Histotoxic
histotoxic his·to·tox·ic (hĭs’tō-tŏk’sĭk) adj. Poisonous to tissues.
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