Homer lea
[lee for 1; lee-uh for 2] /li for 1; ˈli ə for 2/
Homer, 1876–1912, U.S. soldier and author: adviser 1911–12 to Sun Yat-sen in China.
a female given name, form of or .
(poetic) a meadow or field
land that has been sown with grass seed
a unit for measuring lengths of yarn, usually taken as 80 yards for wool, 120 yards for cotton and silk, and 300 yards for linen
a measure of yarn expressed as the length per unit weight, usually the number of leas per pound
abbreviation (in Britain)
Local Education Authority
Old English leah “open field, meadow, piece of untilled ground,” earlier læch, recorded in place names, from Proto-Germanic *laukhaz (cf. Old High German loh “cluster of bushes,” and probably also Flemish -loo, which forms the second element in Waterloo), from PIE *louquo- (cf. Sanskrit lokah “open space,” Latin lucus “grove,” Lithuanian laukas “open field”), perhaps from or related to *leuk- “to shine, be bright” (see light (n.)).
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