[hom-uh-sahyd, hoh-muh-] /ˈhɒm əˌsaɪd, ˈhoʊ mə-/
the killing of one human being by another.
a person who kills another; murderer.
the killing of a human being by another person
a person who kills another
“the killing of another person,” early 13c., from Old French homicide, from Latin homicidium “manslaughter,” from homo “man” (see homunculus) + -cidium “act of killing” (see -cide). The meaning “person who kills another” (late 14c.) also is from French, from Latin homicida “a murderer,” from -cida “killer.”
homicide [(hom-uh-seyed)]
The killing of one person by another, whether intended (murder) or not (manslaughter). Not all homicide is unlawful; killing in self-defense, for example, is not a crime.
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