
[hoh-moh] /ˈhoʊ moʊ/

noun, plural homos. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
a contemptuous term used to refer to a homosexual, especially a male homosexual.
[hoh-moh] /ˈhoʊ moʊ/
(italics) the genus of bipedal primates that includes modern humans and several extinct forms, distinguished by their large brains and a dependence upon tools.
Compare .
Informal. (sometimes lowercase)

a combining form appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “same” (homology); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (homomorphic).
[ech-ey hoh-moh, ek-ey for 1; ek-see hoh-moh, ek-ey for 2] /ˈɛtʃ eɪ ˈhoʊ moʊ, ˈɛk eɪ for 1; ˈɛk si ˈhoʊ moʊ, ˈɛk eɪ for 2/
“Behold the man!”: the words with which Pilate presented Christ, crowned with thorns, to his accusers. John 19:5.
Art. a painting, statue, or other representation of Christ crowned with thorns.
noun (pl) -mos
(informal) short for homosexual
(Canadian, informal) homogenized milk
a genus of hominids including modern man (see Homo sapiens) and several extinct species of primitive man, including Homo habilis and Homo erectus
/ˈɛkeɪ ˈhəʊməʊ; ˈɛksɪ/
a picture or sculpture of Christ crowned with thorns
combining form
being the same or like: homologous, homosexual Compare hetero-

short for homosexual (n.), attested by 1929; usually contemptuous.

word-forming element meaning “same, the same, equal, like,” before vowels hom-, from Greek homos “one and the same,” also “belonging to two or more jointly,” from PIE *somos (cf. Sanskrit samah “even, the same,” Lithuanian similis “like,” Gothic sama “the same,” samana “together;” see same).

word-forming element meaning “homosexual,” abstracted since early 20c. from homosexual, and ultimately identical to homo- (1).

Latin, literally “behold the man” (John xix:5).

homo- or hom-
Same; like: homotype.
A prefix meaning “same,” as in homogamous, having the same kind of flower.
Homo [(hoh-moh)]

The genus to which human beings belong. The genus Homo includes Neanderthals and other hominids closely related to today’s humans, such as Homo erectus.


: homo slang/ a homo bar


A homosexual man or woman: I knew nothing about ”homos” at that time (1929+)

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