
a molding or dripstone over a door or window.

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    [hoo-doo] /ˈhu du/ noun, plural hoodoos. 1. . 2. bad luck. 3. a person or thing that brings bad luck. 4. Geology. a pillar of rock, usually of fantastic shape, left by erosion. verb (used with object), hoodooed, hoodooing. 5. to bring or cause bad luck to. /ˈhuːduː/ noun (pl) -doos 1. a variant of […]

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    [hoo d-wingk] /ˈhʊdˌwɪŋk/ verb (used with object) 1. to deceive or trick. 2. Archaic. to blindfold. 3. Obsolete. to cover or hide. /ˈhʊdˌwɪŋk/ verb (transitive) 1. to dupe; trick 2. (obsolete) to cover or hide v. 1560s, “to blindfold,” from hood (n.1) + wink; figurative sense of “mislead, deceive” is c.1600. Related: Hoodwinked; hoodwinking.

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