
[hawr-er, hor-] /ˈhɔr ər, ˈhɒr-/

an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear:
to shrink back from a mutilated corpse in horror.
anything that causes such a feeling:
killing, looting, and other horrors of war.
such a feeling as a quality or condition:
to have known the horror of slow starvation.
a strong aversion; abhorrence:
to have a horror of emotional outbursts.
Informal. something considered bad or tasteless:
That wallpaper is a horror. The party was a horror.
horrors, Informal.

inspiring or creating horror, loathing, aversion, etc.:
The hostages told horror stories of their year in captivity.
centered upon or depicting terrifying or macabre events:
a horror movie.
horrors, (used as a mild expression of dismay, surprise, disappointment, etc.)
extreme fear; terror; dread
intense loathing; hatred
(often pl) a thing or person causing fear, loathing, etc
(modifier) having a frightening subject, esp a supernatural one: a horror film

early 14c., from Old French horror (12c., Modern French horreur) and directly from Latin horror “dread, veneration, religious awe,” a figurative use, literally “a shaking, trembling, shudder, chill,” from horrere “to bristle with fear, shudder,” from PIE root *ghers- “to bristle” (cf. Sanskrit harsate “bristles,” Avestan zarshayamna- “ruffling one’s feathers,” Latin eris (genitive) “hedgehog,” Welsh garw “rough”). As a genre in film, 1934. Chamber of horrors originally (1849) was a gallery of notorious criminals in Madame Tussaud’s wax exhibition.
see under throw up one’s hands

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