
the lower legislative branch in many national and state bicameral governing bodies, as in the United States, Mexico, and Japan.
(in the US) the lower chamber of Congress
(in Australia) the lower chamber of Parliament
the sole chamber of New Zealand’s Parliament: formerly the lower chamber
(in the US) the lower chamber in many state legislatures

The lower house of the United States Congress. With 435 popularly elected officials, the House (as it is often called) is the most representative body in the federal government. House seats are apportioned (see apportionment) relative to each state’s population. Because of its larger size, the House tends to maintain a closer link to local constituent concerns than the Senate, though both houses of Congress participate in virtually all aspects of legislation and policymaking. The Speaker of the House is one of the most influential officials in Washington, D.C., and is second in succession to the presidency, after the vice president.

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