
[hyoo or, often, yoo] /hyu or, often, yu/

a gradation or variety of a color; tint:
pale hues.
the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as red, blue, green, or yellow in reference to the spectrum.
all the hues of the rainbow.
form or appearance.
[hyoo] /hyu/
outcry, as of pursuers; clamor.
[hwey] /ʰweɪ/
a seaport in central Vietnam: former capital of Annam.
the attribute of colour that enables an observer to classify it as red, green, blue, purple, etc, and excludes white, black, and shades of grey See also colour
a shade of a colour
aspect; complexion: a different hue on matters
/French ɥe/
a port in central Vietnam, on the delta of the Hué River near the South China Sea: former capital of the kingdom of Annam, of French Indochina (1883–1946), and of Central Vietnam (1946–54). Pop: 377 000 (2005 est)

“color,” Old English hiw “color, form, appearance, beauty,” earlier heow, hiow, from Proto-Germanic *hiwam (cf. Old Norse hy “bird’s down,” Swedish hy “skin, complexion,” Gothic hiwi “form, appearance”), from PIE *kei-, a color adjective of broad application (cf. Sanskrit chawi “hide, skin, complexion, color, beauty, splendor,” Lithuanian šyvas “white”). A common word in Old English, squeezed into obscurity after c.1600 by color, but revived 1850s in chemistry and chromatography.

“a shouting,” mid-13c., from Old French hue “outcry, noise, war or hunting cry,” probably of imitative origin. Hue and cry is late 13c. as an Anglo-French legal term meaning “outcry calling for pursuit of a felon.” Extended sense of “cry of alarm” is 1580s.
The property of colors by which they are seen as ranging from red through orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, as determined by the dominant wavelength of the light. Compare saturation, value.

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