Hum tone
a note produced by a bell when struck, lying an octave or (in many English bells) a sixth or seventh below the strike tone Also called (esp Brit) hum note
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- Huntington-park
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- Huntington-station
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- Huntress
[huhn-tris] /ˈhʌn trɪs/ noun 1. a woman who hunts. 2. a mare used as a hunting horse. late 14c.; see hunter + -ess. Old English had hunticge.
- Hunts
[huhnts] /hʌnts/ noun 1. . [huhnt] /hʌnt/ verb (used with object) 1. to chase or search for (game or other wild animals) for the purpose of catching or killing. 2. to pursue with force, hostility, etc., in order to capture (often followed by down): They hunted him down and hanged him. 3. to search for; […]
- Huntsman
[huhnts-muh n] /ˈhʌnts mən/ noun, plural huntsmen. 1. the member of a staff who manages the hounds during the . 2. a hunter. /ˈhʌntsmən/ noun (pl) -men 1. a person who hunts 2. a person who looks after and trains hounds, and manages them during a hunt