Hunt the slipper
a children’s game in which the players look for a hidden slipper or other object, such as a thimble (hunt the thimble)
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- Hunt the wumpus
games, history (Or “Wumpus”) /wuhm’p*s/ A famous fantasy computer game, created by Gregory Yob in about 1973. Hunt the Wumpus appeared in Creative Computing, Vol 1, No 5, Sep – Oct 1975, where Yob says he had come up with the game two years previously, after seeing the grid-based games Hurkle, Snark and Mugwump at […]
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[hyoo-on or, often, yoo-] /ˈhyu ɒn or, often, ˈyu-/ noun 1. a coniferous tree, Dacrydium franklinii, of Tasmania, having very small cones and yielding timber. /ˈhjuːɒn/ noun 1. a Tasmanian coniferous tree, Dacrydium franklinii, with scalelike leaves and cup-shaped berry-like fruits: family Podocarpaceae. It is among the oldest living individual plants, thought to be up […]