noun, Astronomy.
the constellation Canes Venatici.
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- Huntingdon
[huhn-ting-duh n-sheer, -sher] /ˈhʌn tɪŋ dənˌʃɪər, -ʃər/ noun 1. a former county in E England, now part of Cambridgeshire. /ˈhʌntɪŋdən/ noun 1. a town in E central England, in Cambridgeshire: birthplace of Oliver Cromwell. Pop (with Godmanchester): 20 600 (2001) /ˈhʌntɪŋdən/ noun 1. Selina, Countess of Huntingdon. 1707–91, English religious leader, who founded a Calvinistic […]
- Huntingdonshire
[huhn-ting-duh n-sheer, -sher] /ˈhʌn tɪŋ dənˌʃɪər, -ʃər/ noun 1. a former county in E England, now part of Cambridgeshire. /ˈhʌntɪŋdənˌʃɪə; -ʃə/ noun 1. (until 1974) a former county of E England, now part of Cambridgeshire
- Hunting-ground
noun 1. a section or area for hunting game. noun 1. the area of a hunt 2. Also called happy hunting ground. any place containing a supply of what is wanted or in which a search is conducted: some resorts are a happy hunting ground for souvenirs
- Hunting-knife
noun 1. a large, sharp knife, usually with a handle shaped to fit a firm grip and a blade with a slight curve toward the tip, that is used to skin and cut up game, or sometimes to dispatch it. noun 1. a knife used for flaying and cutting up game and sometimes for killing […]
- Hunting-horn
noun, Music. 1. the earliest form of the modern horn, consisting of a conical tube coiled in a circle for carrying over the shoulder, and having a flaring bell and a trumpetlike mouthpiece. noun 1. a long straight metal tube with a flared end and a cylindrical bore, used in giving signals in hunting See […]