noun, Music.
the earliest form of the modern horn, consisting of a conical tube coiled in a circle for carrying over the shoulder, and having a flaring bell and a trumpetlike mouthpiece.
a long straight metal tube with a flared end and a cylindrical bore, used in giving signals in hunting See horn (sense 9)
an obsolete brass instrument from which the modern French horn was developed
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- Hunting-leopard
noun 1. the cheetah.
- Hunting spider
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- Humuhumunukunukuapuaa
[hoo-moo-hoo-moo-noo-koo-noo-koo-ah-poo-ah-ah] /ˌhu muˌhu muˌnu kuˌnu kuˌɑ puˈɑ ɑ/ noun 1. either of two triggerfishes, especially Rhinecantus aculeatus, of Indo-Pacific coral reefs.
- Hum tone
noun 1. a note produced by a bell when struck, lying an octave or (in many English bells) a sixth or seventh below the strike tone Also called (esp Brit) hum note