[hurl] /hɜrl/
verb (used with object)
to throw or fling with great force or vigor.
to throw or cast down.
to utter with vehemence:
to hurl insults at the umpire.
verb (used without object)
to throw a missile.
Baseball. to pitch a ball.
a forcible or violent throw; fling.
(transitive) to throw or propel with great force
(transitive) to utter with force; yell: to hurl insults
(Scot) (hʌrl). to transport or be transported in a driven vehicle
the act or an instance of hurling
(Scot) (hʌrl). a ride in a driven vehicle
early 13c., hurlen, “to run against (each other), come into collision,” later “throw forcibly” (c.1300); “rush violently” (late 14c.); perhaps related to Low German hurreln “to throw, to dash,” and East Frisian hurreln “to roar, to bluster.” OED suggests all are from an imitative Germanic base *hurr “expressing rapid motion;” see also hurry. The noun is attested from late 14c., originally “rushing water.” For difference between hurl and hurtle (which apparently were confused since early Middle English) see hurtle.
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[hurl] /hɜrl/ verb (used with object) 1. to throw or fling with great force or vigor. 2. to throw or cast down. 3. to utter with vehemence: to hurl insults at the umpire. verb (used without object) 4. to throw a missile. 5. Baseball. to pitch a ball. noun 6. a forcible or violent throw; […]
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