[hur-ee, huhr-ee] /ˈhɜr i, ˈhʌr i/
verb (used without object), hurried, hurrying.
to move, proceed, or act with haste (often followed by up):
Hurry, or we’ll be late. Hurry up, it’s starting to rain.
verb (used with object), hurried, hurrying.
to drive, carry, or cause to move or perform with speed.
to hasten; urge forward (often followed by up).
to impel or perform with undue haste:
to hurry someone into a decision.
noun, plural hurries.
a state of urgency or eagerness:
to be in a hurry to meet a train.
movement or action; haste.
verb -ries, -rying, -ried
(intransitive) often foll by up. to hasten (to do something); rush
(transitive) often foll by along. to speed up the completion, progress, etc, of
urgency or eagerness
(informal) in a hurry
1590, first recorded in Shakespeare, who used it often; perhaps a variant of harry (v.), or perhaps a West Midlands sense of Middle English hurren “to vibrate rapidly, buzz,” from Proto-Germanic *hurza “to move with haste” (cf. Middle High German hurren “to whir, move fast,” Old Swedish hurra “to whirl round”), which also perhaps is the root of hurl. Related: hurried; hurrying.
c.1600, probably from hurry (v.).
Related Terms
here’s your hat what’s your hurry
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