
[hahy-druh-klawr-ahyd, -id, -klohr-] /ˌhaɪ drəˈklɔr aɪd, -ɪd, -ˈkloʊr-/

a salt, especially of an alkaloid, formed by the direct union of hydrochloric acid with an organic base that makes the organic constituent more soluble.
a quaternary salt formed by the addition of hydrochloric acid to an organic base, such as aniline hydrochloride, [C6H5NH3]+Cl-

hydrochloride hy·dro·chlo·ride (hī’drə-klôr’īd’)
A compound resulting from the reaction of hydrochloric acid with an organic base.
A salt containing the group HCl. Many important drugs are hydrochlorides.

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