
[hahy-poh-pi-too-i-tuh-riz-uh m, -tyoo-] /ˌhaɪ poʊ pɪˈtu ɪ təˌrɪz əm, -ˈtyu-/

noun, Pathology.
abnormally diminished activity of the , especially of the anterior lobe.
the condition produced by this, characterized by obesity, retention of adolescent traits, sterility, amenorrhea, and, in extreme cases, dwarfism.
(pathol) underactivity of the pituitary gland

hypopituitarism hy·po·pi·tu·i·ta·rism (hī’pō-pĭ-tōō’ĭ-tə-rĭz’əm, -tyōō’-)

hy’po·pi·tu’i·tar’y (-těr’ē) adj.

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