
[ih-boh-guh-een] /ɪˈboʊ gəˌin/

noun, Pharmacology.
an alkaloid, C 20 H 26 N 2 O, obtained from an African shrub, Tabernanthe iboga, having antidepressant and hallucinogenic properties.

nerve stimulant, 1901, from French ibogaine, from iboga, Congolese name of the shrub from which the chemical is extracted, + chemical suffix -ine (2).

ibogaine i·bo·ga·ine (ĭ-bō’gə-ēn’, -ĭn)
A white powdery substance that can act as a hallucinogen, a memory stimulant, or a dopamine blocker that acts by stemming the craving for heroin and cocaine without causing dependency.

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