
[im-pli-key-shuh n] /ˌɪm plɪˈkeɪ ʃən/

something or suggested as naturally to be inferred or understood:
to resent an implication of dishonesty.
the act of :
His implication of immediate changes surprised us.
the state of being implied:
to know only by implication.
Logic. the relation that holds between two propositions, or classes of propositions, in virtue of which one is logically deducible from the other.
the act of or indicating that one or more persons may be involved, as in a crime:
The implication of his accomplices came only after hours of grueling questioning by the police.
the state of being :
We recently heard of his implication in a conspiracy.
Usually, implications. relationships of a close or intimate nature; involvements:
the religious implications of ancient astrology.
the act of implicating or the state of being implicated
something that is implied; suggestion: the implication of your silence is that you’re bored


early 15c., “action of entangling,” from Latin implicationem (nominative implicatio) “interweaving, entanglement,” from past participle stem of implicare “involve, entangle, connect closely,” from assimilated form of in- “into, in, on, upon” (see in- (2)) + plicare “to fold” (see ply (v.1)). Meaning “something implied (but not expressed)” is from 1550s.

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