

implied, rather than expressly stated:
implicit agreement.
unquestioning or unreserved; absolute:
implicit trust; implicit obedience; implicit confidence.
potentially contained (usually followed by in):
to bring out the drama implicit in the occasion.
Mathematics. (of a function) having the dependent variable not explicitly expressed in terms of the independent variables, as x 2 + y 2 = 1.
Compare (def 5).
Obsolete. .
not explicit; implied; indirect: there was implicit criticism in his voice
absolute and unreserved; unquestioning: you have implicit trust in him
(when postpositive) foll by in. contained or inherent: to bring out the anger implicit in the argument
(maths) (of a function) having an equation of the form f(x,y) = 0, in which y cannot be directly expressed in terms of x, as in xy + x² + y³x ² = 0 Compare explicit1 (sense 4)
(obsolete) intertwined

c.1600, from implicit + -ly (2).

1590s, from Middle French implicite and directly from Latin implicitus, later variant of implicatus, past participle of implicare (see implication).

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