In one blow

see: at one stroke

Read Also:

  • In one ear and out the other

    Quickly forgotten, as in Their advice to her just went in one ear and out the other. This expression, a proverb in John Heywood’s 1546 collection, conjures up a graphic image of sound traveling through one’s head. [ Late 1300s ]

  • In one breath

    see: in the same breath

  • In one piece

    adverb phrase Intact; unharmed: She came out of it in one piece Related Terms all in one piece see: all in one piece

  • In one stroke

    see: at one stroke

  • In on the ground floor

    adverb phrase Engaged early and profitably in a project, investment, etc: You better act now if you want to be in on the ground floor (1872+)

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