
[in-deez] /ˈɪn diz/

the. (used with a plural verb) (def 1).
(used with a plural verb) (def 1).
(used with a singular verb) a region in and near S and SE Asia; India, Indochina, and the .
[in-dee] /ˈɪn di/ Informal.
an independently or privately owned business, especially a film or music company that is not affiliated with a larger and more commercial company:
to work for an indie.
a movie or other work produced by such a company.
a genre of music, especially pop or rock, that is independently produced.
a person who works for an independently owned business or is self-employed.
noting or relating to an indie: an indie film producer;
an indie video game.
noting or relating to independently produced music: indie rock;
an indie pop group.
noun the Indies
the territories of S and SE Asia included in the East Indies, India, and Indochina
See East Indies
See West Indies

1550s, plural of Indie, Indy, from Middle English Ynde (early 13c.) “India,” from the Old French form of Latin India (see India). Commonly applied to Asia and the East, later applied to the Caribbean basin, in a time of geographical confusion, which was distinguished from Asia proper by being called the West Indies.

“independent record company,” 1945, shortening of independent (among the earliest mentioned were Continental, Majestic, and Signature); used of film production companies since 1920s, of theaters from 1942; extended by 1984 to a type of pop music issued by such labels.


Playing indie rock: Really they’re just five soft-spoken indie prepsters who happen to rule nice-kid noise pop (1990s+)


: one indie pic company


An independent, esp an independent movie producer (1928+ Movie studio)

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