
[in-flekt] /ɪnˈflɛkt/

verb (used with object)
to modulate (the voice).

to bend; turn from a direct line or course.
Botany. to bend in.
verb (used without object)
Grammar. to be characterized by inflection.
(grammar) to change (the form of a word) or (of a word) to change in form by inflection
(transitive) to change (the voice) in tone or pitch; modulate
(transitive) to cause to deviate from a straight or normal line or course; bend

early 15c., “to bend inward,” from Latin inflectere (past participle inflexus) “to bend in, bow, curve,” figuratively, “to change,” from in- “in” (see in- (1)) + flectere “to bend” (see flexible). Grammatical sense is attested 1660s; pronunciation sense (in inflection) is c.1600. Related: Inflected; inflecting.

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