
[in-flikt] /ɪnˈflɪkt/

verb (used with object)
to impose as something that must be borne or suffered:
to inflict punishment.
to impose (anything unwelcome):
The regime inflicted burdensome taxes on the people.
to deal or deliver, as a blow.
verb (transitive)
often foll by on or upon. to impose (something unwelcome, such as pain, oneself, etc)
(rare) to cause to suffer; afflict (with)
to deal out (blows, lashes, etc)

1560s, from Latin inflictus, past participle of infligere “to strike or dash against,” from in- “on, against” (see in- (2)) + fligere (past participle flictus) “to dash, strike” (see afflict). You inflict trouble on someone; you afflict someone with trouble. Shame on you.

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