
[in-frinj] /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/

verb (used with object), infringed, infringing.
to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress:
to infringe a copyright; to infringe a rule.
verb (used without object), infringed, infringing.
to encroach or trespass (usually followed by on or upon):
Don’t infringe on his privacy.
(transitive) to violate or break (a law, an agreement, etc)
(intransitive; foll by on or upon) to encroach or trespass

mid-15c., enfrangen, “to violate,” from Latin infringere “to damage, break off, break, bruise,” from in- “in” (see in- (2)) + frangere “to break” (see fraction). Meaning of “encroach” first recorded c.1760. Related: Infringed; infringing.

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