
[in-kwahyuh r] /ɪnˈkwaɪər/

verb (used without object), inquired, inquiring.
to seek information by questioning; ask:
to inquire about a person.
to make investigation (usually followed by into):
to inquire into the incident.
verb (used with object), inquired, inquiring.
to seek to learn by asking:
to inquire a person’s name.
Obsolete. to seek.
Obsolete. to question (a person).
Verb phrases
inquire after, to ask about the state of health or condition of:
Friends have been calling all morning to inquire after you.

(intransitive) often foll by into. to make a search or investigation

late 13c., from Old French enquerre “ask, inquire about” (Modern French enquérir), from Vulgar Latin *inquaerere, from Latin in- “into” (see in- (2)) + quaerere “ask, seek” (see query (v.)). Respelled 14c. on Latin model, but half-Latinized enquire still persists. Related: Inquired; inquiring; inquiringly.

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