
[in-ti-jer] /ˈɪn tɪ dʒər/

Mathematics. one of the positive or negative numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., or zero.
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a complete entity.
Synonyms: integral, whole.
any rational number that can be expressed as the sum or difference of a finite number of units, being a member of the set …–3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3…
an individual entity or whole unit

“a whole number” (opposed to fraction), 1570s, from Latin integer (adj.) “whole, complete,” figuratively, “untainted, upright,” literally “untouched,” from in- “not” (see in- (1)) + root of tangere “to touch” (see tangent). The word was used earlier in English as an adjective meaning “whole, entire” (c.1500).
A positive or negative whole number or zero. The numbers 4, -876, and 5,280 are all integers.
integers [(in-tuh-juhrz)]

The whole numbers, plus their counterparts less than zero, and zero. The negative integers are those less than zero (–1, –2, –3, and so on); the positive integers are those greater than zero (1, 2, 3, and so on).

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