
[in-tel-i-juh nt] /ɪnˈtɛl ɪ dʒənt/

having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals:
an intelligent student.
displaying or characterized by quickness of understanding, sound thought, or good judgment:
an intelligent reply.
having the faculty of reasoning and understanding; possessing :
intelligent beings in outer space.
Computers. pertaining to the ability to do data processing locally; smart:
An intelligent terminal can edit input before transmission to a host computer.
Compare (def 8).
Archaic. having understanding or knowledge (usually followed by of).
having or indicating intelligence
having high intelligence; clever
indicating high intelligence; perceptive: an intelligent guess
guided by reason; rational
(of computerized functions) able to modify action in the light of ongoing events
(archaic) (postpositive) foll by of. having knowledge or information: they were intelligent of his whereabouts

c.1500, a back-formation from intelligence or else from Latin intelligentem (nominative intelligens), present participle of intelligere, earlier intellegere (see intelligence). Intelligent design, as a name for an alternative to atheistic cosmology and the theory of evolution, is from 1999. Related: Intelligently.

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