
[verb, adjective kawr-uh-leyt, kor-; noun kawr-uh-lit, -leyt, kor-] /verb, adjective ˈkɔr əˌleɪt, ˈkɒr-; noun ˈkɔr ə lɪt, -ˌleɪt, ˈkɒr-/

verb (used with object), correlated, correlating.
to place in or bring into mutual or reciprocal relation; establish in orderly connection:
to correlate expenses and income.
verb (used without object), correlated, correlating.
to have a mutual or reciprocal relation; stand in :
The results of the two tests correlate to a high degree.
mutually or reciprocally related.
either of two related things, especially when one implies the other.
to place or be placed in a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relationship
(transitive) to establish or show a correlation
having a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relationship
either of two things mutually or reciprocally related

1640s, perhaps a back-formation from correlation.

1742, back-formation from correlation, or else a verbal use of the noun. Related: Correlated; correlating; correlative.

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