[in-ter-fyooz] /ˌɪn tərˈfyuz/
verb (used with object), interfused, interfusing.
to intersperse, intermingle, or permeate with something.
to blend or fuse, one with another.
to pour or pass (something) between, into, or through; infuse.
verb (used without object), interfused, interfusing.
to become blended or fused, one with another.
to diffuse or mix throughout or become so diffused or mixed; intermingle
to blend or fuse or become blended or fused
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[in-ter-fyooz] /ˌɪn tərˈfyuz/ verb (used with object), interfused, interfusing. 1. to intersperse, intermingle, or permeate with something. 2. to blend or fuse, one with another. 3. to pour or pass (something) between, into, or through; infuse. verb (used without object), interfused, interfusing. 4. to become blended or fused, one with another. /ˌɪntəˈfjuːz/ verb 1. to […]
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