[in-ter-uh m] /ˈɪn tər əm/
an intervening time; interval; meantime:
School doesn’t start till September, but he’s taking a Spanish class in the interim.
a temporary or provisional arrangement; stopgap; makeshift:
As an interim, her summer job was pretty good.
(initial capital letter) Church History. any of three provisional arrangements for the settlement of religious differences between German Protestants and Roman Catholics during the Reformation.
for, during, belonging to, or connected with an intervening period of time; temporary; provisional:
an interim order; an interim job.
(prenominal) temporary, provisional, or intervening: interim measures to deal with the emergency
the interim, the intervening time; the meantime (esp in the phrase in the interim)
(rare) meantime
any of three provisional arrangements made during the Reformation by the German emperor and Diet to regulate religious differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants
1540s, from Latin interim (adv.) “in the meantime, meanwhile,” originally “in the midst of that,” from inter- “between” (see inter-) + im, ancient adverb from stem of pronoun is “this, that.”
see: in the interim
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