an arcade, especially a blind one, composed of arches (interlacing arches) so arranged and cut that each arch seems to intersect and be intersected by one or more other arches.
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- Interlacustrine
[luh-kuhs-trin] /ləˈkʌs trɪn/ adjective 1. of or relating to a lake. 2. living or growing in lakes, as various organisms. 3. formed at the bottom or along the shore of lakes, as geological strata. /ləˈkʌstraɪn/ adjective 1. of or relating to lakes 2. living or growing in or on the shores of a lake lacustrine […]
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[in-ter-lah-kuh n, in-ter-lah-kuh n] /ˈɪn tərˌlɑ kən, ˌɪn tərˈlɑ kən/ noun 1. a town in central Switzerland between the lakes of Brienz and Thun: tourist center. /ˈɪntəˌlɑːkən/ noun 1. a town and resort in central Switzerland, situated between Lakes Brienz and Thun on the River Aar. Pop: 5119 (2000)
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[lam-uh-ner] /ˈlæm ə nər/ adjective 1. composed of, or arranged in, .
- Interlaminar jelly
interlaminar jelly in·ter·lam·i·nar jelly (ĭn’tər-lām’ə-nər) n. The gelatinous material between ectoderm and endoderm that serves as the substrate on which mesenchymal cells migrate.
- Interlaminate
[in-ter-lam-uh-neyt] /ˌɪn tərˈlæm əˌneɪt/ verb (used with object), interlaminated, interlaminating. 1. to interlay or lay between laminae; interstratify. /ˌɪntəˈlæmɪˌneɪt/ verb 1. (transitive) to place, stick, or insert (a sheet, layer, etc) between (other layers)