[in-ter-lood] /ˈɪn tərˌlud/
an intervening episode, period, space, etc.
a short dramatic piece, especially of a light or farcical character, formerly introduced between the parts or acts of miracle and morality plays or given as part of other entertainments.
one of the early English farces or comedies, as those written by John Heywood, which grew out of such pieces.
any intermediate performance or entertainment, as between the acts of a play.
an instrumental passage or a piece of music rendered between the parts of a song, church service, drama, etc.
a period of time or different activity between longer periods, processes, or events; episode or interval
(theatre) a short dramatic piece played separately or as part of a longer entertainment, common in 16th-century England
a brief piece of music, dance, etc, given between the sections of another performance
c.1300, from Medieval Latin interludium “an interlude,” from Latin inter- “between” (see inter-) + ludus “a play” (see ludicrous). Originally farcical episodes introduced between acts of long mystery plays; transferred sense of “interval in the course of some action” is from 1751.
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