Intermediate programming language
A very early attempt by Arthur W. Burks to express machine language at a higher level of abstraction. Like Plankalkül, it used a right-handed style of assignment, in which the location appears on the right.
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- Intermediate-range-ballistic-missile
noun 1. any supersonic missile that has a range of 800 to 1500 nautical miles (1500 to 2800 km) and follows a ballistic trajectory after a powered, guided launching. Abbreviation: IRBM, I.R.B.M. noun 1. a missile that follows a ballistic trajectory with a medium range, normally of the order of 750–1500 miles IRBM
- Intermediate-school
noun 1. a school for pupils in grades 4 through 6. 2. a junior high school. noun 1. (NZ) a school for children aged between 11 and 13
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intermediate supraclavicular nerve n. One of several nerves arising from the cervical plexus that pass down across the clavicle to supply the skin in the infraclavicular region. Also called middle supraclavicular nerve.
- Intermediate system
networking (IS) An Open Systems Interconnection system which performs network layer forwarding. It is analogous to an IP router. (1994-11-29)
- Intermediate technology
noun 1. technology which combines sophisticated ideas with cheap and readily available materials, especially for use in developing countries noun the use of any simple, labor-intensive and non-traditional scientific and technological production methods that are usually environmentally friendly