
[in-ter-mee-dee-eyt] /ˌɪn tərˈmi diˌeɪt/

verb (used without object), intermediated, intermediating.
to act as an intermediary; intervene; mediate.
adjective (ˌɪntəˈmiːdɪɪt)
occurring or situated between two points, extremes, places, etc; in between
(of a class, course, etc) suitable for learners with some degree of skill or competence
(physics) (of a neutron) having an energy between 100 and 100 000 electronvolts
(geology) (of such igneous rocks as syenite) containing between 55 and 66 per cent silica
noun (ˌɪntəˈmiːdɪɪt)
something intermediate
a substance formed during one of the stages of a chemical process before the desired product is obtained
verb (ˌɪntəˈmiːdɪˌeɪt)
(intransitive) to act as an intermediary or mediator

early 15c., from Medieval Latin intermediatus “lying between,” from Latin intermedius “that which is between,” from inter- “between” (see inter-) + medius “in the middle” (see medial (adj.)).

c.1600, from inter- + mediate (v.). Related: Intermediated; intermediating.

intermediate in·ter·me·di·ate (ĭn’tər-mē’dē-ĭt)
Lying or occurring in a middle position or state. n.
A substance formed in the course of a chemical reaction or the synthesis of a desired end product that then participates in the the process until it is either deactivated or consumed.

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