[in-ter-mahy-grey-shuh n] /ˌɪn tər maɪˈgreɪ ʃən/
reciprocal ; interchange of habitat by migrating groups.
migration between two groups of people, animals, etc, resulting in an exchange of habitat
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[in-tur-muh-nuh-buh l] /ɪnˈtɜr mə nə bəl/ adjective 1. incapable of being terminated; unending: an interminable job. 2. monotonously or annoyingly protracted or continued; unceasing; incessant: I can’t stand that interminable clatter. 3. having no limits: an interminable desert. /ɪnˈtɜːmɪnəbəl/ adjective 1. endless or seemingly endless because of monotony or tiresome length adj. late 14c., from […]
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[in-tur-muh-nuh-buh l] /ɪnˈtɜr mə nə bəl/ adjective 1. incapable of being terminated; unending: an interminable job. 2. monotonously or annoyingly protracted or continued; unceasing; incessant: I can’t stand that interminable clatter. 3. having no limits: an interminable desert. /ɪnˈtɜːmɪnəbəl/ adjective 1. endless or seemingly endless because of monotony or tiresome length adj. late 14c., from […]
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