
[in-tuh s-suh-sep-shuh n] /ˌɪn təs səˈsɛp ʃən/

a taking within.
Biology. growth of a cell wall by the deposition of new particles among the existing particles of the wall.
Compare (def 4).
Also called invagination. Pathology. the slipping of one part within another, as of the intestine.
(pathol) invagination of a tubular organ or part, esp the telescoping of one section of the intestinal tract into a lower section, causing obstruction
(biology) growth in the surface area of a cell by the deposition of new material between the existing components of the cell wall Compare apposition (sense 3)

1707, literally “a taking in,” from Latin intus “within” (see ento-) + susceptionem “a taking up” (see susceptible).

intussusception in·tus·sus·cep·tion (ĭn’tə-sə-sěp’shən)

in’tus·sus·cep’tive (-tĭv) adj.

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